The environmentalist ideology is coming into contradiction with itself. The unprecedented scale of destruction of the natural landscape by 30 000 gigantic wind turbines has brought a growing realization, that reliance on renewable energy is by no means friendly to the environment – and not necessarily safe.
People don’t want to live near wind turbines, because of unpleasant noise and possibly dangerous infrasound emissions, disturbing optical effects, reports of fires, broken-off turbine blades flying through the air, ice throws, etc. And the dead birds.
However, this literature review suggests that electric vehicles may not
reduce levels of PM as much as expected, because of their relatively high weight. By analysing the
existing literature on non-exhaust emissions of different vehicle categories, this review found that there
is a positive relationship between weight and non-exhaust PM emission factors. In addition, electric
vehicles (EVs) were found to be 24% heavier than equivalent internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs).
As a result, total PM10 emissions from EVs were found to be equal to those of modern ICEVs. PM2.5
emissions were only 1e3% lower for EVs compared to modern ICEVs. Therefore, it could be concluded
that the increased popularity of electric vehicles will likely not have a great effect on PM levels. Nonexhaust
emissions already account for over 90% of PM10 and 85% of PM2.5 emissions from traffic